This set is so much fun to paint and decorate with! The colors and the fun are perfect for the summertime! This set includes the 3 chunky pieces, all of the extra doo-dads, and all you need to complete the entire set of cuties! The free class WAS ALREADY RECORDED! It is on my Facebook Business page, Cottage Caboodle - Lisbeth Stull and it is pinned to the top. There is no pattern and you will be lead through the entire process for each piece.
DecoArt Americana Colors needed are:
- Burlap
- Bleached Sand
- Snow White
- Banana Cream
- Marigold or Sunset Gold
- Watermelon Slice
- Bright Salmon
- Lamp Black
- Honey Brown
- Milk Chocolate
- Burnt Umber
- Foliage Green
- Hauser Medium Green
Bring your glue of choice, a stylus, a paint/pigment pen, and a needle nose pliers.
Honey Bee Chunky Set